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General news and project updates

Apache, M11 Adoption - In memory of Paul Middelmann

Published: 22 April 2008
"Paul passed away in November 2006. He was a staunch Cape Leopard Trust  supporter, influencing many others to do the same. His family, including his  mom all got involved in one way or another and I…

Is that a leopard over there?

Published: 15 April 2008
Our first camera trap photographs from one camera station in the Kamiesberg-Garies district of Namaqualand have yet to reveal signs of leopard, however, this small-spotted genet posed for the occasion. It's still early days, and Ben-Jon…

Spot Spotted

Published: 09 April 2008
F10 or "Spot"- the adult female leopard adopted by the Motamedia group in the UK finally has her leopard identikit. One week ago, Quinton & Liz were out tracking the male M10, when we found fresh…

US$ 110 000 has been given to the Cape Leopard Trust

Published: 25 March 2008
A grant of US$ 110 000 has been given to the Cape Leopard Trust to set up a new leopard project in Namaqualand. This substantial amount of funding has come from the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund…

Recent volunteers at the Cape Leopard Trust

Published: 25 March 2008
Fiona Pamplin joined the Gouritz project in January to gain some field experience in working in cat conservation. She recently completed her BSc (Hons) in Zoology from the University of Leeds in the UK. She has…

Flights and tracking from Bateleurs

Published: 25 March 2008
With the continual support of the Bateleurs, we have saved an enormous amount of time and resources in order to track our very elusive leopards in the Cederberg. Our most recent flight, on the 27th February,…

Sponsorship - Three Cities Group

Published: 25 March 2008
Uitkyk Pass in the Cederberg is one of the only places one can get cell phone reception in these mountains – thankfully...but that’s another story. Within this 50m2 area, sitting on a rock looking out over…

Douglas Lederle Memorial Fund

Published: 25 March 2008
Douglas Eason Lederle :  10.7.1971 – 20.2.2008 “Some people tread lightly on the earth, whilst others leave a huge footprint.” Douglas was a supporter of the CLT right from the inception of the project. Our first…

SA 4x4 magazine in the Cederberg

Published: 25 March 2008
SA 4x4 magazine were out in the Cederberg for a weekend recently – Patrick Cruywagen was the man on the scene. Note there will be an extensive article on our project in next month’s edition of…

Resolving conflict - Anatolian Shepherd Dogs

Published: 25 March 2008
The CLT are pleased to have facilitated the sponsored of an Anatolian Shepherd Dog to Gerrie Mathee, one of the local Gamka farmers who has experienced leopard problems in the past. He was very excited to…

