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General news and project updates

Environment Magazine

Published: 10 May 2010
The Cape Leopard Trust has collaborated with six other environmental NGOs (Endangered Wildlife Trust; Wildlands; Wilderness Foundation South Africa; Game Rangers Association of Africa; SANCCOB; and WESSA) to start a new magazine on conservation matters called ‘Environment…

Cape Leopard Trust - slide show by Andy Baxter

Published: 07 May 2010
Andy Baxter, Chairman of The Cape Leopard Trust, will be giving a progress report. Now have 4 projects - The Cederberg, Namaqualand, Swartberg-Gamkaberg Corridor and Boland. The Boland project is particularly exciting. Andy will tell you…

First Boland leopards photographed!

Published: 07 May 2010
We’re thrilled to share the first couple of leopard pictures from the CLT Boland Project’s Limietberg pilot survey! Even though the first camera we checked presented us with only images of hikers walking by, it was…

New Leopard In Gouritz Area

Published: 03 May 2010
We have finally captured a decent photograph of the Matjiesvlei leopard. Although this magnificent male has been caught on film before, it has always been a poor photo or a pic of just a leg, or…

CLT and the Land Cruiser Club of SA

Published: 26 April 2010
On the weekend of 16-18 April 2010, the Land Cruiser Club of southern Africa (LCCSA) and the Cape Leopard Trust (CLT) got together as part of the introduction to the CLT’s Boland Project. We, Anita Meyer…

Pride of Table Mountain's Cape Leopard Trust Environmental Camp

Published: 19 February 2010
The group of volunteers - Pride of Table Mountain - who take children from Cape Town townships on excursions up Table Mountain, were privileged to take part in a Cape Leopard Trust Environmental Camp (22 -…

Two new researchers join The Cape Leopard Trust

Published: 18 February 2010
The Cape Leopard Trust has recently welcomed two new members on board. Jeannie Hayward and Anita Meyer will be the two researchers heading up the new CLT project – a leopard population study in the Boland…

Gareth Mann, joins the Cape Leopard Trust

Published: 12 February 2010
Gareth Mann (M.Sc. Conservation Biology, B.Sc.Hons. Zoology) has lived and travelled in Europe and South-East Asia. With a lifelong interest in conservation, he is fascinated by both by the inherent beauty and secrecy of leopards, as…

2009 Cape Leopard Trust Annual Report

Published: 14 December 2009
Dear Cape Leopard Trust Supporters, Thank you for your amazing support of our work. It is quite difficult to conceive that 2009 has almost run its course. It really feels like the year has flown by…

Special thanks and our 2009 December Break

Published: 14 December 2009
The Cape Leopard Trust is taking some time off during the December period. We will be back in the full swing of things in January. However, before we sneak off to avoid the holiday rush, we…

