General news and project updates

CLT Environmental Education 2020 Art Competition

Published: 06 July 2020
COMPETITION UPDATE: CLOSING DATE EXTENDED It is time for the annual Cape Leopard Trust Environmental Education art competition, and this year we have an interesting twist to the usual theme. The 2020 competition was created to encourage…

Life after Lockdown: on the Lookout for Snares and Helping to Protect the Cape’s Leopards

Published: 24 June 2020
After three long months of lockdown, people are finally able to visit our nature reserves and mountain wilderness areas again. During the lockdown period, many people became aware (or was reminded again) of the amazing animal…

The Piketberg camera survey – success!

Published: 19 May 2020
Over the past few years, the Piketberg and surrounding mountainous areas have emerged as a hotspot of leopard activity. Leopards have never before been studied here and virtually nothing is known about their numbers, population density…

Re-advertisement - CLT Conservation Director vacancy

Published: 11 May 2020
The CLT is seeking a suitably qualified Conservation Director to lead and drive its research and conservation efforts and develop its long-term strategy. Due to the previous closing date of this vacancy notice being compromised by…

Special News from the CLT Environmental Education Team

Published: 07 May 2020
The year 2020 has been a rollercoaster, and as the human world navigates numerous unexpected and complex challenges, nature seems to be thriving. The Covid-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown have seriously restricted the CLT’s research and…

Living on the edge: leopards and lockdown

Published: 20 April 2020
Over the past few weeks, there have been multiple reports and stories from around the world showing wild animals in places usually overrun by humans. Countless memes, comics and illustrations on social media enforces the idea…

Learning from Leopards during Covid19

Published: 30 March 2020
Today SA joins much of the world in a collective act of cooperation in an effort to minimise the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on our communities and landscapes. This is an unprecedented global situation and…

Cape Leopard Trust Vacancy - Conservation Director

Published: 11 March 2020
The CLT is seeking a suitably qualified Conservation Director to lead and drive its research and conservation efforts and develop its long-term strategy. This is a senior position and details can be found in the vacancy…

Be Snare Aware and contribute to our research

Published: 03 March 2020
Today is World Wildlife Day. The theme for 2020 is "Sustaining all life on Earth", encompassing all wild animal and plant species as key components of the world's biodiversity. The CLT is very excited to use…

The Cape Leopard Trust - Be Snare Aware

Published: 26 February 2020

